Advertise in the Programme

Promote your business whilst also supporting one of Lymm's largest annual events.

Requests for an advertisement are now closed for 2024.

Why Advertise in the Programme?

The May Queen Programme is part of our marketing campaign to advertise the event and give everyone the all important details about the event each year. The programme is professionally printed and hand distributed to over 4000 homes across Lymm and copies are left in key businesses across the village for non-locals to collect, such as coffee shops and gift shops. (If you’d like to have a few extra copies to distribute in your shop, do let us know).

As such, advertising in the program is a fantastic and cost effective opportunity to reach such a large a local audience. It is also an opportunity to demonstrate how your business supports the community by contributing to the success of the event.

Advertisement Prices

Following feedback from last year, we are pleased to offer a new smaller advertisement size this year of A8 (similar to business card size). We’re hoping more of the smaller businesses in Lymm will be able to support the event and program with this newer lower entry price for advertising. We continue to offer full page and half page advertisements, held at the same prices as in 2023.

  • Full page advert (A5) is £100
  • Half page advert (A6) is £60
  • Eighth page (A8) is £25

How to submit your advert

You can submit your application either using the online form below, or if you prefer you can email it over to us. If you’d like to use email please email the marketing team at Please read and follow the guidelines below before your submit your advert.

If you are submitting your application for an advert by email, please include the following details:

  • Your name
  • Contact details (email / phone number)
  • Desired advert size (Full page, half page, eighth page)
  • Website / facebook / instagram etc page so we can link to your profile from our social media / website.
  • Your advertisement artwork

The deadline for advert submissions is Friday 15th March 2024. The marketing team will reply back to confirm receipt and provide details for payments. Invoices will be issued if required. Any submissions after this date will unfortunately be too late to include in the program.

Upon receiving your advert, we will confirm its receipt and notify you of any issues or adjustments needed.

Prior to sending the programme to print, we will send you a PDF version of the programme to confirm that your advertisement looks correct. You will have 2 working days to request for any changes, after which the programme will be sent to print and no further changes will be possible.

The Lymm May Queen committee will determine which pages your advertisement appears on. Preferences can be requested but cannot be guaranteed.

Thank you for supporting the Lymm May Queen event!

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Guidelines for Artwork

Preferred Format:

We strongly recommend submitting your advert in vector format for optimal print quality, such as PDF or Adobe Illustrator (AI).

Alternative formats:

If you are unable to provide a vector file, ensure that the resolution of your artwork is high enough for print. We recommend a minimum resolution of 300 DPI (dots per inch), otherwise your artwork may appear blurry / pixelated when printed. If you don’t know how to check, we can check this for you when you send your images over.


We have 3 options this year for advertisements, Full Page (A5), Half Page (A6) and Eighth Page (A8), which is similar to a business card size. Please ensure that your advert is sized according to the option you have chosen, otherwise we may need to crop or resize to fit in the designated space.

    • Full (A5) page: 148 x 210 mm – £100
    • Half page (A6): 105 x 148 mm – £60
    • Business card size (A8): 74 x 52 mm – £25

Bleed and Margins:

If your advert includes images or colours that extend to the edge of the page (bleed), please include a 3 mm bleed on all sides. Keep important content at least 5 mm away from the edge of the page to avoid potential trimming.

Colour Mode:

Ensure that your artwork is created in CMYK colour mode for accurate colour reproduction in print. Again, we can check this for you when you send your image over. If the image is not in CMYK format, when printed the colours may look slightly different to how they appear on screen.


If sending a vectors (PDF or AI file) please embed or outline all fonts used in your artwork to ensure they appear correctly when printed.

Submission Deadline:

Please submit your advert by Friday 15th March to ensure inclusion in the programme. Late submissions may not be accepted.

Email us

We'd love to here from you